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We are a pet friendly hostel

Somos un hostal pet friendly

Para hospedarte con tu mascota recuerda traer contigo su alimento y juguetes preferidos, estar siempre al pendiente de sus necesidades, su limpieza y no dejarlo nunca solo.

Te ofreceremos para tu comodidad habitaciones privadas, deberás llevar a tu mascota siempre contigo, en El Petate siempre le brindaremos cariño y nos preocuparemos por su bienestar.

To stay with your pet remember always bring it´s food and toys, be always aware of it´s needs, keeping it clean and never leave it alone.

To be more comfortable, we offer you private rooms, you must take your pet always with you and at The Petate Hostel we will always give your pet a lot of love and care for it well being.

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